Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Build a Sherlock Holmes Mind Palace
How to Build a Sherlock Holmes Mind Palace Admit it. You wish you had a mind like Sherlock Holmes. Recalling the smallest details at the most significant moment, packing a lot of information in your head, remembering places and important events ââ¬â thats what you want? Well, its absolutely possible. Seriously. You can learn how to control your memory with a help of a powerful technique that is called Mind Palace. It is not only extremely effective but also very fun and not hard to use at all. This technique is amazingly useful in all kinds of situations: memorizing a presentation, learning a new language, studying for exams and many others. Learn how to build your own memory palace and youll become a more confident and successful student. Choose Your Mind Palace First of all, you have to select a place you know very well. This method will be effective only if you can mentally see this place with ease. Think about something you can visualize in detail. You also need to imagine a specific route in your palace. This will help you to recall things in a particular order, which will make the technique much more powerful. A good choice of a Mind Palace could be your own home, a former school, your campus, familiar streets in your city. Just make sure you can imagine this object well. Define Distinctive Features Now you have to pay special attention to the features in your palace. For instance, if you have chosen your home, the first distinctive thing may be the front door. Then you have to mentally walk around the house and remember the things you see. Analyze each room looking from right to left, for example. What attracts your attention? Do you see something unusual? It can be a picture on the wall or a flower in a vase. Continue to explore the house and make notes in your head. Each feature will be used later to store a particular piece of information. Engrave the Palace in Your Mind To make the method work, you have to imprint the palace on your memory. The task wont be a difficult one if you are a visual type of person. Here are some tips that will help you to remember everything better: Walk through the route physically and repeat the distinctive things you see. Write down the features on a piece of paper and walk through them mentally. Look at the things from the same perspective. When you think youve finished, repeat everything one more time. Now you have your Mind Palace! You can use it as many times as you need to memorize the things you want. Mind Palace technique is great, however, you should know that there are much more techniques on how to develop photographic memory. Use Associations Symbols make the memories more manageable and they are really effective for remembering the things. The process of making associations is very simple: you take an image and combine it with a thing you need to memorize. To do that, you have to mentally transport yourself to your Mind Palace. The first feature you see is a front door. Therefore, if you are trying to remember a ship, imagine an anchor on your door. Then continue to associate the things until there are no items left to memorize. Visit Your Palace At this stage, you are done with memorizing the items. Now you need to do a rehearsal, repeating your journey at least one time in your mind. Go from the beginning to the end and try to recollect all the details. When you get the end of your route, turn around and go in the opposite direction until you return to the starting point. And remember, the more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to remember everything. With just a lit bit of practice, the things you memorize by using your Mind Palace will stay fresh in your mind for a long time. cover image credit: Robert Vigalskiy/Hartswood Films and BBC Wales for BBC One image credit: thenerdybomb.com
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Profile of Richard Wade Farley, Mass Murderer
Profile of Richard Wade Farley, Mass Murderer Richard Wade Farley is a mass murderer responsible for the 1988 murders of seven co-workers at the Electromagnetic Systems Labs (ESL) in Sunnyvale, California. What sparked the murders was his relentless stalking of a co-worker. Richard Farley - Background Richard Wade Farley was born on July 25, 1948, at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. His father was an aircraft mechanic in the Air Force, and his mother was a homemaker. They had six children, of whom Richard was the eldest. The family frequently moved before settling in Petaluma, California, when Farley was eight years old. According to Farleys mother, there was much love in the house, but the family displayed little outward affection. During his childhood and teen years, Farley was a quiet, well-behaved boy who required little attention from his parents. In high school, he showed an interest in math and chemistry and took his studies seriously. He did not smoke, drink, or use drugs, and entertained himself with playing table tennis and chess, dabbling in photography, and baking. He graduated 61st out of 520 high school students. According to friends and neighbors, other than occasionally roughhousing with his brothers, he was a non-violent, well-mannered and helpful young man. Farley graduated from high school in 1966 and attended Santa Rosa Community College, but dropped out after one year and joined the US Navy where he stayed for ten years. Navy Career Farley graduated first in his class of six at Naval Submarine School but withdrew voluntarily. After finishing basic training, he was trained to be a cryptologic technician - a person who maintains electronic equipment. The information that he was exposed to was highly classified. He qualified for top-secret security clearance. The investigation into qualifying individuals for this level of security clearance was repeated every five years. Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory After his discharge in 1977, Farley purchased a home in San Jose and began working as a software technician at Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory (ESL), a defense contractor in Sunnyvale, California. ESL was involved in the development of strategic signal processing systems and was a major supplier of tactical reconnaissance systems to the US military. Much of the work that Farley was involved in at ESL was described as being vital to the national defense and highly sensitive. In included his work on equipment that enabled the military to determine the location and strength of enemy forces. Up until 1984, Farley received four ESL performance evaluations for this work. He scores were high - 99 percent, 96 percent, 96.5 percent, and 98 percent. Relationship With Fellow Employees Farley was friends with a few of his co-workers, but some found him to be arrogant, egotistical and boring. He liked to brag about his gun collection and his good marksmanship. But others who worked closely with Farley found him to be conscientious about his work and generally a nice guy. However, all of that changed, starting in 1984. Laura Black In the spring of 1984, Farley was introduced to ESL employee Laura Black. She was 22 years old and had been working as an electrical engineer for just under a year. For Farley, it was love at first sight. For Black, it was beginning of a four-year-long nightmare. For the next four years, Farleys attraction to Laura Black turned into a relentless obsession. At first Black would politely decline his invitations, but when he seemed unable to comprehend or accept her saying no to him, she stopped communicating with him as best she could. Farley began writing letters to her, averaging two a week. He left pastries on her desk. He stalked her and cruised by her home repeatedly. He joined an aerobics class on the same day that she joined. His calls became so annoying that Laura changed to an unlisted number. Because of his stalking, Laura moved three times between July 1985 and February 1988, but Farley found her new address each time and obtained a key to one of her homes after stealing it off of her desk at work. Between the fall of 1984 and February 1988, she received approximately 150 to 200 letters from him, including two letters he sent to her parents home in Virginia where she was visiting in December 1984. She had not provided him with her parents address. Some of Blacks coworkers tried to talk to Farley about his harassment of Black, but he reacted either defiantly or by threatening to commit violent acts. In October 1985, Black turned to the human resources department for help. During the first meeting with human resources, Farley agreed to stop sending letters and gifts to Black, following her home and using her work computer, but in December 1985, he was back to his old habits. Human Resources stepped in again in December 1985 and again in January 1986, each time issuing Farley a written warning. Nothing Else to Live For After the January 1986 meeting, Farley confronted Black at the parking lot outside of her apartment. During the conversation, Black said Farley mentioned guns, told her he no longer was going to ask her what to do, but rather tell her what to do. Over that weekend she received a letter from him, stating he would not kill her, but that he had a whole range of options, each getting worse and worse. He warned her that, I do own guns and Im good with them, and asked her not to push him. He continued on that if neither of them yielded, pretty soon I crack under the pressure and run amok destroying everything in my path until the police catch me and kill me. In mid-February 1986, Farley confronted one of the human resource managers and told her that ESL had no right to control his relationships with other individuals. The manager warned Farley that sexual harassment was illegal and that if he did not leave Black alone, his conduct would lead to his termination. Farley told her that if he were terminated from ESL, he would have nothing else to live for, that he had guns and was not afraid to use them, and that he would take people with him. The manager asked him directly if he was saying that he would kill her, to which Farley answered yes, but he would take others, too. Farley continued to stalk Black, and in May 1986, after nine years with ESL, he was fired. Growing Anger and Aggression Being fired seemed to fuel Farleys obsession. For the next 18 months, he continued to stalk Black, and his communications with her became more aggressive and threatening. He also spent time lurking around the ESL parking lot. In the summer of 1986, Farley began dating a woman named Mei Chang, but he continued to harass Black. He was also having financial problems. He lost his home, his car, and his computer and he owed over $20,000 in back taxes. None of this deterred his harassment of Black, and in July 1987, he wrote to her, warning her not to get a restraining order. He wrote, It might not really occur to you how far Im willing to go to upset you if I decide thats what Im forced to do. Letters along this same line continued over the next several months. In November 1987 Farley wrote, You cost me a job, forty thousand dollars in equity taxes I cant pay, and a foreclosure. Yet I still like you. Why do you want to find out how far Ill go? He ended the letter with, I absolutely will not be pushed around, and Im beginning to get tired of being nice. In another letter, he told her that he did not want to kill her because he wanted her to have to live to regret the consequences of not responding to his romantic gestures. In January, Laura found a note from him on her car, with a copy of her apartment key attached. Frightened and fully aware of her vulnerability she decided to seek the help of an attorney. On February 8, 1988, she was granted a temporary restraining order against Richard Farley, which included that he stay 300 yards away from her and not contact her in any way. Revenge The day after Farley received the restraining order he began to plan his revenge. He bought over $2,000 in guns and ammunition. He contacted his lawyer to have Laura removed from his will. He also sent a package to Lauras attorney claiming that he had proof that he and Laura had a secret relationship. The court date for the restraining order was February 17, 1988. On February 16, Farley drove to ESL in a rented motor home. He was dressed in military fatigues with a loaded bandoleerà slung over his shoulders, black leather gloves, and a scarf around his head and earplugs. Before leaving the motor home, he armed himself with a 12-gauge Benelli Riot semi-automatic shotgun, a Ruger M-77 .22-250 rifle with a scope, a Mossberg 12-gauge pump action shotgun, a Sentinel .22 WMR revolver, a Smith Wesson .357 Magnum revolver, a Browning .380 ACP pistol and a Smith Wesson 9mm pistol. He also tucked a knife in his belt, grabbed a smoke bomb and a gasoline container, and then headed to the entrance of ESL. As Farley made his way across the ESL parking lot, he shot and killed his first victim Larry Kane and continued shooting at others who ducked for cover. He entered the building by blasting through the security glass and kept on shooting at the workers and the equipment. He made his way to Laura Blacks office. She attempted to protect herself by locking the door to her office, but he shot through it. He then shot directly at Black. One bullet missed and the other shattered her shoulder, and she fell unconscious. He left her and moved on through the building, going room to room, shooting at those he found hidden under desks or barricaded behind office doors. When the SWAT team arrived, Farley managed to avoid their snipers by staying on the move inside the building. A hostage negotiator was able to make contact with Farley, and the two talked on and off during a five-hour siege. Farley told the negotiator that he had gone to ESL to shoot up equipment and that there were specific people he had in mind. This later contradicted Farleys lawyer who used the defense that Farley had gone there to kill himself in front of Laura Black, not shoot at people. During his conversations with the negotiator, Farley never expressed any remorse for the seven individuals killed and admitted that he did not know any of the victims except for Laura Black. Hunger is what finally ended the mayhem. Farley was hungry and asked for a sandwich. He surrendered in exchange for the sandwich. Seven people were dead and four injured, including Laura Black. Victims Killed: Lawrence J. Kane, 46Wayne Buddy Williams Jr., 23Donald G. Doney, 36Joseph Lawrence Silva, 43Glenda Moritz, 27Ronald Steven Reed, 26Helen Lamparter, 49 Wounded were Laura Black, Gregory Scott, Richard Townsley, and Patty Marcott. Death Penalty Farley was charged with seven counts of capital murder, assault with a deadly weapon, second-degree burglary, and vandalism. During the trial, it became evident that Farley was still in denial about his non-relationship with Black. He also seemed to lack an understanding of the depth of his crime. He told another prisoner, I think they should be lenient since its my first offense. He added that if he did it again, then they should throw the book at him. A jury found him guilty of all charges, and on January 17, 1992, Farley was sentenced to death. On July 2, 2009, the California Supreme Court denied his death penalty appeal. As of 2013, Farley is on death row in San Quentin Prison.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Steps To Starting Career After High School Essay
Steps To Starting Career After High School - Essay Example It is not always late to consider a change in career at such points despite the related costs. Career just as stated earlier should be enjoyable and one must therefore ensure that a success offers such factors of satisfaction without which they should change careers at whichever level. After the successful completion of the training programs, people enter into the market commonly referred to as the job market. This is the ultimate testing grounds for the relative successes that people obtain in colleges and universities. People enter the market differently depending on their abilities coupled with their interests. To most people, a level job is always the best way into the market. This refers to a situation in which one is employed by a corporate organization. Such organizations are profit oriented and therefore trade I labor, they pay for the services that one offers them. As an employee, a person works under binding codes and completes the assignments as designed by the mangers. Di fferent people view employment different, to others it could be the ultimate career while to others it could be the starting point to a career. Whichever the case, people must derive satisfaction in the jobs they do. After collages, people often serve in minor positions at the company since they still lack the experience of undertaking serious assignments without the assistance and the supervision of an established employee of the firm. It is therefore natural to hold different positions at the organization. Whichever the position in the organization, one must ensure satisfaction and interest in the job. This way, the career does not become cumbersome. With time, people earn... This essay shows that there are different types of career opportunities. However, they require effective consideration a feature that dictates that people undertake the different study programs in schools and colleges. Once in the job market, people are likely to face numerous challenges such as competition and career frustrations. Some of such frustrations arise from the lack of immediate employment after completing an academic program. It is, therefore, a prerequisite to developing appropriate personalities to ensure that one develop the versatile personality. Knowledge is expandable and people can acquire different levels of understanding of anything. Experience in an industry is an asset since should the organization fail to recognize it, one reserves the willingness to change companies by applying to other job openings in other companies. People should thereby gain satisfaction from their careers and the positions they serve in the companies. In the absence of such, it is often advisable to either shift careers or changes the employer. However, experience alone does not warrant an improvement, especially in employment. A successful career grows; an individual must, therefore, undertake every activity to ensure the growth of the career. This paper makes a conclusion that to develop an exciting and satisfying career, one should acquire as much knowledge of the industry and related fields in order to have an elaborate understanding of the operations of the industry. This way, a career becomes less stressful.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Criticism and Commentary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Criticism and Commentary - Assignment Example And of course certain production values and cinematic allusions were also recognized. Dark Shadows was also compared to other Burton movies. The review totally reflects most of the readers opinions but of course the author subtly manages to write the article in a way that the readers are less concerned. Generally the criticism is believable because it uses the movie and other Tim Burton movies as a reference to her points and other observations. What makes the author successful in making the viewer want to watch the movie (instead of the usual praises in a movie) is the author understands Tim Burtonââ¬â¢s aesthetic and why the Tim Burton formula continues to work even after a lot of movies. She also knows what the viewers want. The critique is also very mild. Itââ¬â¢s as if the critic is practicing the mantra ââ¬Å"if you donââ¬â¢t have anything to say, shut up.â⬠But the words, ââ¬Å"Dark Shadowsâ⬠isnââ¬â¢t among Mr. Burtonââ¬â¢s most richly realized works, but itââ¬â¢s very enjoyable, visually sumptuous and, despite its lugubrious source material and a sporadic tremor of violence, surprisingly effervescent, truly capture the essence of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Listening To Music And Composing Essay Example for Free
Listening To Music And Composing Essay Listening to music and composing my own digital music is my favorite extra-curricular activity. Music makes me feel refreshed and even after a hectic day at work, five minutes of good music helps me relax my nerves instantly. The routine lifestyle rarely leaves much time for my extra-curricular activity. However, I always make sure to maintain a rich music library on my laptop as well as handheld devices so that I can listen to it whenever I feel. Moreover, I am also into composing music. I am a vocalist, I play the piano and I have a digital mixing console also. My room is a mini studio where I can record my own music. Composing new music or mixing up tracks requires utmost creativity and imagination. In a month, I make sure to publish three mixes after recording and digital reworking. When music is your extracurricular activity, the best part about it is that you can enjoy it indoors. Whatever the weather and climate outside, you can always be comfortable and enjoy it in your room. If you have a dolby surround system in your home, it would serve as the best way to listen to music. Playing a musical instrument is a bliss in itself. Whenever I play the piano, I feel connected to the nature and its energies. That is when your creativity blossoms and you can use your imagination to the fullest in composing new tunes. The best way to enjoy music is to relax on a couch or the bed with the earphones plugged in your ears and listening to it with closed eyes. You can then feel each instrument as it plays. Some people prefer loud music, but it isnââ¬â¢t always enjoyable. Dance music is ok when it comes to parties but it cannot be enjoyed always and when one is seeking relaxation.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay example -- Philosophy on Teaching Statem
Philosophy of Education As I begin my education for becoming a teacher, I am beginning to make decisions on things such as how I would like my teaching style to be, ways to deal with discipline problems, and how I would like my classroom to be set up. However, I cannot put my ideas into one philosophy. I feel that using many styles of teaching is better than just using one. Some students may learn better with one style of teaching while others may learn better with another. The teaching philosophies I can best relate to are realism, pragmatism, and idealism. The main reason I would like to become a teacher is the love for little kids. I really enjoy being around children. After teaching Sunday School to children up to 8 years of age for over five years, I feel that I can relate to them and connect with them very well. I also feel that students look up to teachers, so they are a very big influence on the children'sââ¬â¢ lives. I would love to know that I could make such a big influence on a childââ¬â¢s life. In my opinion teachers have an impact on the life of every student they ever have in class. The appearance of the classroom has a big effect on how smoothly the class will go. The seating arrangement in my classroom will be in a U shape. It will be better with classroom discussion to have the students facing each other. This type of seating arrangement should relax the children and make them feel more comfortable. On the bulletin boards there will be pictures of the students while involved in class activities and students work as a reward for doing well on an assignment. Also on the walls there will be posters to inspire the students. My class ... ...er the teacher will have more time for each student, therefore, the students will get more out of the class than if the class was bigger. I think that smaller schools and smaller class sizes are much better than consolidating the schools into one large school. Teachers should try to make the class as interesting as possible. If the students are interested in learning they will try harder and learn better. Teachers should be a positive influence on their studentââ¬â¢s lives. They should not only teach them the basic subjects, but also try to make them become better people by being involved with them. Some parents donââ¬â¢t care how their children act and donââ¬â¢t try to help them overcome problems such as shyness; therefore it is left up to the teacher to help these students. This is where the teacher should become a friend and role model for the students.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Tracer 480 Sc
Insecticide Tracer 480 SC MENU: What is it ? Tracer 480 EC is a suspension concentrate, with a short residual action acting as a contact and stomach insecticide, with trans ââ¬â laminar properties for the control of insects on agricultural crops as listed. Tracer 480 SC ECââ¬â¢s active ingredient is Spinosad (Naturalyte) with a 480 g/l. active ingredient and, placed in the 5A chemicals group for agricultural use in S. A. Manufactured by Dow AgroScience S. A. (PTY) LTD. with registration No. L 6557 under act 36 /1947. . What does it do? Tracer 480 SC is a very specific type of chemical made from a fermentation process from wild mushrooms.The short residual of the product and the minimal effect on natural predators including predatory mites makes it well suited for use in IPM control programs. Tracer 480 SC sprays are rainfast within 1 hour after application. Apply Tracer 480 SC sprays, with equipment that is correctly calibrated and in good working order that provides full cove rage of the crop, for obtaining the best results against the pest trated for. Tracer 480 EC has a rapid knock down action on larva by contact, but contact and stomach action still provides the best results.Tracer 480 SC has some effect on certain predators & parasites in citrus, and Honeybees. (Read the label) List of Crops and pests on wich Tracer 480 SC is registered. Crops Apples Citrus Pests Thrips ( Various species ) Including Western Flower Thrip F. occidentalis Thrips,. ( S. aurantii ), (See Comments for IPM program ) Green Beans & Peas Potatoes Table Grapes Tomatoes Leafminer ( L. huidobrencis) Tubermoth larva ( P. operculella ) . Thrips Spp including Western Flower Thrip (F. occidentalis ) American leafminer ( L. trifolii ) A. Boll worm ( H. armigera )Obey the waiting periods on various crops, and follow the recommendation for resistance management as specified on the label. How and When to Apply: Tracer 480 SC. must be sprayed according to dosages and threshold values as s pecified on the label for the various crops. Read warnings on label for resistance strategy. Tracer 480 SC is not pH sensitive. . (Refer the label for the specific crops) Compatibility: Tracer 480 SC is compatible with B P Agripron Super, Light or medium narrow range sprays oils and Sanawett 90 ââ¬â940 SL. Mixing instructions for tank mixes: Use clean water and fill spray tank up to one third and start agitation.Add different formulation types in the order indicated below, allowing time for complete mixing and dispersion after addition of each product. Allow extra mixing and dispersion after addition of each product. Allow extra mixing and dispersion time for dispersible granular (WG) products. Add following types in the following order: u Water dispersible granules. (After pre mixing with water. ) u Wettable powders. ( After pre mixing with water) u Tracer and other aqueous suspensions. ( Maintain agitation and fill spray tank to three quarters of total spray volume. Then add : u Emulsifiable concentrates. Spray adjuvants. ( Where Tracer 480 SC is needed to be applied in combination with a spray oil . first pre ââ¬â mix the required volume of tracer 480 SC and spray oil, before adding to the spray water). u Foliar fertilizers. Application: All Tracer 480 SC spray applications must be made with suitable equipment that is in a good working order with good agitation, and correctly calibrated, to give the desired coverage for that particular method of application. Study and follow the recommendations on the label for spray volumes / Ha for row crops, fruit tree crops, deciduous fruit trees and table grapes. Read the label. ) Product Label: Download Now A specimen Product Label is available for download. Amongst other information, the Tracer 480 SC label outlines the current registered uses as well as rates, directions for use, general instructions, safety instructions and warnings. If you have any problems downloading the product label, please contact (01 2) 842 0200 during business hours and a copy will be faxed or mailed to you. Material Safety Data Sheet: Download Now A MSDS is available for immediate download.The MSDS identifies the chemical and physical properties of the product, outlines the health hazard data, precautions for use, safe handling and other information pertaining Tracer 480 SC insecticide. If you have any problems downloading the Material Safety Data Sheet, please contact (012) 842 0200 during business hours and a copy will be faxed or mailed to you. Where to get it: Tracer 480 SC is available from your local Agricultural Chemical Dealer. If you have any problems finding Tracer 480 SC please call (012) 842 0200 and they will bring you in touch with an Agricultural Chemical Dealer near you.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Analyzing SQ3R Process
Associate Level Material Appendix H SQ3R Worksheet Selected reading: p 193 Chapter 7 SurveyDescribe the value of surveying the reading. Surveying the reading is almost like skimming the assignment. In my opinion, it is like the appetizer of the assignment, almost the teaser to the full reading that will be done in the near future. QuestionWhat questions did you ask as you were reading? â⬠¢What are the important points? â⬠¢What are the new vocabulary words? â⬠¢What is the topic and how does the reading pertain to it?ReadHow did surveying and questioning help you read better? I like surveying an assignment before I start really reading it thoroughly. Surveying allows me, in a sense, to whet my appetite for the reading assignment. Plus, surveying and asking questions gives me a chance to highlight key words and passages. ReciteHow did you decide what parts of your reading you needed to recite? For me, I personally recite the words that are highlighted and the words that are in bold type.These are word that I do not know or in some cases, words I need to learn. In my process of studying, these words are the ones I write out and then type to learn them better. ReviewHow often do you plan to review? My process for reviewing occurs pretty frequently. When I was learning medical terms, I had a cd I would listen to in my car while I drove. I also review every evening with vocabulary by using index cards. I find these methods to work the best for me personally.Wrap-up questions: How successful was the SQ3R process in helping you grasp the concepts in the section you selected? Will you use SQ3R in the future as a way to master the content in academic readings? I think the SQ3R method is an excellent way for me to learn. I think it is very similar to the way I already do my studying so I would have no trouble incorporating it into my studies. Not everyone uses these methods, but I definitely find them to be simple for me.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Gender and Sexulaity Essays
Gender and Sexulaity Essays Gender and Sexulaity Paper Gender and Sexulaity Paper Jackie Pappas Professor Winchock ENWR 106-AN March 5, 2013 Paper #2 ââ¬â Middle Draft Gender Sexuality Our everyday lives are greatly affected by ones gender and sexuality. They shape who we are and define our identities. Society expects a certain gender to behave in a specific way and if this does not happen, one is seen as shameful and wrong, leaving the individual to feel defeated and out of place. In society only a few decades ago, women were meant to be silent and restricted. Men were the superior ones who had a voice. They freely got to do whatever they pleased. In Julia Avarezââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"Daughter of Invention and Judith Ortiz Coferââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"The Changeling,â⬠women were restricted of their true identities and their voices were silenced by the Ppallogocentric order. As a female in society, one was not permitted to speak freely of her opinions because of men. She must remain silent. It is evident that the narrator, often referred to as Cukita, in ââ¬Å"Daughter of Inventionâ⬠cannot speak what she wants. She reads poems from a book her father bought her written by Walt Whitman. She reads his free words; words he can openly speak. These are words of ââ¬Å"a flesh and blood manâ⬠(Alvarez 14). : Because Walt Whitman was a man, he could speak and write what he so choose. However, when Cukita ââ¬Å"plagiarizesâ⬠his words, because she was a woman, she was not ââ¬Å"permittedâ⬠to read her work at the assembly for which she was writing. When she read her speech to her mother, her mother beamed with pride. It was quite the opposite when she read this speech to her father. He was shocked that his wife would let their daughter read the speech she wrote. ââ¬Å"You will permit her to read that? â⬠(Alvarez 15) Cukitaââ¬â¢s father said as if she needed permission to speak what she believes. As your father, I forbid you to say that eh-speech! â⬠(Alvarez 15). Since he was a man, he had the final say in what his daughter said. He could say whatever he liked but his daughter, because she was a woman, could not. Women were expected to be silent and could only speak in the male voice. We see the silence of a girl in Coferââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Changeling. â⬠I n this poem, the speaker recalls a memory of when she was a young girl. She dressed in her brotherââ¬â¢s military clothes which ââ¬Å"[molded her] into boy shapeâ⬠(Cofer 725). Her father found it very amusing. He would listen with a smileâ⬠(Cofer 725). She loved dressing up as a boy and pleasing her father because it was the only time he noticed her. The speaker pretended to tell stories of her times in the war as a man and this was the time that her father would pay attention to her. The only time he would listen to her words was when she was speaking in his voice in a manââ¬â¢s voice. All other times, her words were not important to her father; they did not matter to him because she was not his son, she was his daughter. Females were restricted in what they could say and do. Women were not allowed to do as they pleased. They were limited not only in what they said but what they could do. In ââ¬Å"Daughter of Invention,â⬠Cukitaââ¬â¢s mother liked to work on her inventions. ââ¬Å"She always invented at night, after settling her house downâ⬠(Alvarez 10). The mother could only work on her projects after she had completed her obligations as a woman. It was a womanââ¬â¢s responsibility to take care of the house and keep her husband and family happy; putting her wants and wishes aside until these are taken care of first. Even her inventions were restricted. She would not invent things that would help the world as a whole but come up with ideas that would only help with your everyday life, particularly for the typical American woman. When discussing her inventions and why they did not help the greater good, ââ¬Å"she would have said that was for men to doâ⬠(Alvarez 10). This shows that she was not allowed to create what she really wanted to invent. American women were not the only women who were restricted. It was common for women to be restricted all over the world. The narrator, Cukita, talked about the fact that her mother did not want to return home. She did not want to go back to the old country where she was only a wife and a motherâ⬠(Alvarez 14). In the Dominican Republic under Trujilloââ¬â¢s rule, women were only expected to be two things: a wife and a mother. They were restricted to being anything but. They did not have permission to explore their interests such as inventing. Women were expected to take care of t he house and the family and if they did anything else, saying theyââ¬â¢d be in trouble is an understatement. Women were not allowed to be free to be who they are. Women were expected to only take care of the family and the house even if they wanted to do something else. It is still joked about today all over the Internet that women belong in the kitchen. While it is meant as a harmless joke, it is a reality for others. For example, it was a reality for the speaker in ââ¬Å"The Changeling. â⬠While her father was very amused with his daughter dressing as a man, her mother was not. When it was time for the family to sit down for dinner, the mother ââ¬Å"[forbad her] from sitting down with them as a manâ⬠(Cofer 725). The mother felt that when her daughter dressed in her brotherââ¬â¢s clothes, it was distracting her from being a girl. She is forced to go back into the closet to change back into her expected outfit. The speaker, who once saw a closet full of adventure, then saw the same closet as a dark space (Cofer 725). When she emerged from the closet, back into reality, she walked back into ââ¬Å"the real world of her [motherââ¬â¢s] kitchenâ⬠(Cofer 725). For the speaker, a woman belonging in the kitchen was no laughing matter; it was her reality. She longed to be able to do the things a man did but she could not because she was a restricted woman. She wished to have the same power that a man did. After explaining about how powerless a woman was, it is clear that men were the superior ones. In ââ¬Å"Daughter of Inventionâ⬠after the father disapproved of his daughterââ¬â¢s speech, the mother and daughter felt the need to ââ¬Å"rebelâ⬠and ââ¬Å"join forcesâ⬠(Alvarez 16) against the father. They knew that he was the man in charge. They could not simply tell him what he was doing was wrong and they certainly could not do it alone. It took two women to stand up to one man and they still lost, the father tearing his daughterââ¬â¢s speech to shreds, tearing her to shreds in turn. As the father, he had the final say on what happened. After calling her father the hated nickname of their former dictator Trujillo, the narrator ran to her room. Her father ââ¬Å"ordered [her] on his authority as [her] father to open that doorâ⬠(Alvarez 16). Because he was a man, he held the power in the house. He got free reign to tell his daughters and wife what to do and they must obey. In Dominican Republic, men were so superior that giving birth to a daughter was not as great as giving birth to a son. A mother was seen as a failure if she did not give birth to a son. When Cukita and her mother went into the fatherââ¬â¢s room, ââ¬Å"his face rightened as if at long last his wife had delivered a sonâ⬠(Alvarez 15). Fathers were happier when their wives bore them a son. There were fathers who did not pay attention to their children if they were not a boy. In ââ¬Å"The Changeling,â⬠the speaker must ââ¬Å"[vie] for [her] fatherââ¬â¢s attentionâ⬠(Cofer 725). Because she was not a man, the only way she co uld get her father to notice her was to dress, speak, and act like the son he always wanted her to be. After he mother made her change back into the girl she was supposed to be, she ââ¬Å"return[ed] invisibleâ⬠(Cofer 725). Since she was no longer dressed as the superior man her father so wanted her to be, he did not pay any mind to her and she felt as if she was no one; as if she was invisible. It is because of her gender that she did not fit into society. Gender plays a major role in our everyday lives. Men and women were expected to act in a specific manner or otherwise they end up defeated. Women were meant to keep their thoughts and opinions silent. They were also not allowed to act as freely as they would like. Women were restricted in what they said and did. Because women were so repressed, it was evident that men were the superior ones. In modern society, women have earned the right to be treated as equally and as fairly as men. However, there are still some areas in society where women are more oppressed than men are. Alvarez, Julia. ââ¬Å"Daughter of Invention. â⬠Approaching Literature. Eds. Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl. Boston: Bedford/St. Martinââ¬â¢s, 2012. 10-19. Cofer, Judith Ortiz. ââ¬Å"The Changeling. â⬠Approaching Literature. Eds. Peter Schakel and Jack Ridl. Boston: Bedford/St. Martinââ¬â¢s, 2012. 725.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What to Do If You Have a Family Emergency in College
What to Do If You Have a Family Emergency in College Even though college students are often mocked for not living in the real world, many students do, in fact, deal with major life situations and events. Unexpected family illnesses, financial situations, deaths, and other events can happen during your time in college. Unfortunately, your academics might end up paying the price simply because you cant manage everything all at the same time. (And when faced with a major family emergency, its unrealistic to expect yourself to manage everything anyway.) If you find yourself faced with a family emergency in college, take a deep breath and spend 20-30 minutes doing the following. While it might seem like you dont have the time now, this small allotment of effort can do wonders for keeping your academics and college situation in check. Notify Your Professors and ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹Academic Adviser You dont have to go into too much detail, but you do need to let your professors know whats going on. Be as honest as you can without being dramatic. Let them know: What has happenedWhat it means for things like your class attendance, assignments, etc.What your next steps are, whether its an emergency trip home for the weekend or a longer absenceHow they can contact youWhen and how youll be contacting them next Ideally, everyone will then be aware of your situation and wont penalize you for having to miss class, be late on an assignment, etc. Additionally, your adviser should reach out in response and offer you some resources that can help with your situation. Tell the People You Live With Whats Going On Again, you dont need to share more than you need to. But your roommates might wonder whats going on if you leave without telling them for a few days; similarly, your RA might start to be concerned if he or she sees you missing class and/or coming and going at odd hours. Even if you just leave a note or send an email, its better to let people know that, for example, youre heading home to visit a sick relative than to cause undue worry or concern over your unexplained absence. Spend a Minute Thinking About Your Financial Situation Does this family emergency have financial consequences for you? Do you need to find funds right away for a flight home, for example? Does this emergency have a larger impact on your financial aid? It might seem awkward, but being aware of how your changed situation might affect your financial status is important. You can send a quick email to the financial aid office or even pop in for an emergency appointment. The staff there knows that life happens while youre in school, and you might be pleasantly surprised at the resources they have available for students in your situation. Think About Using the ââ¬â¹Counseling Center By their nature, emergencies cause turmoil, unrest, and all kinds of mixed (and often unwanted) emotions. At many (if not most!) institutions, visits to your campus counseling center are included in your tuition and fees. Even if you arent sure what youre feeling or how to feel about the situation, a visit to the counseling center might be a smart idea. Spend a minute or two calling the center to make an appointment they might have emergency slots open or at least finding out what resources are available if you decide you want them later. Tap Into Your Support Systems Whether its your best friend on campus or a favorite auntie who lives 3,000 miles away if youre facing an emergency family situation, check-in with those who support you the best. A quick phone call, text message, email, or even video chat can do wonders to update them as well as provide you with some love and support. Dont be afraid to reach out at a time you need them the most to those who love you the most. After all, if your friend or loved one were in your situation, you likely would be more than happy to support him or her however possible. Let yourself be supported by those around you as you deal with your situation.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discussion Board Post Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 23
Discussion Board Post Response - Essay Example Provision of safe care is one of the main aims of quality care. In my course project, a balanced scorecard is focused on reducing clinic wait times. In this regard, a balanced scorecard is used as a basis for quality improvement in all aspects of healthcare. There are many performance tools that can be used to monitor and manage quality improvements. I agree that performance prism is one of the performance measures. The needs of stakeholders are largely focused on quality. Utilizing performance tools links performance measures (Kaplan and Norton, 1992) and a result help identify problems areas that need improvement. I also agree with your discussion that performance prism combines processes, strategies, and capabilities and aligns them appropriately to meet the needs of all stakeholders. As postulated by the Balanced Scorecard (2012), quality improvement tools allows healthcare leaders or managers to view or look at their business in a range of perspectives. In your discussion, stakeholders perspective is clearly illustrated. In regard to stakeholders perspective, I concur that achieving a higher percentage of defect-free charts twenty four hours before surgery is of
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